Beta build 621

This forum is for use by the beta testing team. Team members can use it to discuss testing issues and help squash those elusive bugs.

NOTE: this forum is for beta software only. This is not a support forum for released software.

Moderator: Acoustica Eric

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Acoustica Greg
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Beta build 621

Post by Acoustica Greg »

Hi Beta Testers,

Build 621 has a little fixing and a little bullet-proofing.

Download Beta Build 621 here: ... -setup.exe

This is a beta version, so be aware that there might be bugs. If you find any bugs, you can submit an Acoustica Support Ticket and let us know.


Removed unnecessary check for vst host id so now if the id is different it always redoes the vstpluginininventory
Removed redundant effect id system for VSTHostWrapper
Added a little bulletproofing for scenario where ids got messed up somehow
We were not locking around the OnEffectDelete() and it was possible for the effect to be deleted but not removed from the effect chain and the mixer tried to use it.
Removed a bit of redundant ID code (it's handled in the base class)
#1748 Delete track with Superior Drummer on it, Mixcraft crashes
Updating VST3 shell hosts to get deleted outside the main thread
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