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Sequencer troubles

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:00 pm
by Konton Ninja
Well I've just downloaded the trial version of Beatcraft to see what its like. I'm just having trouble placing patterns that I've made into the sequencer. I can get them in there alright, but then when I try and open a new pattern to place in the sequencer along side the other one, the first one I put in there vanishes. Do you get what I mean? Basically, I place a pattern in the sequencer and then I try and add a new pattern to the sequencer but it dissappears. Its really annoying cause I cant string anything together to make a song. Can someone please explain to me how I can do that? Thanks in advance.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 2:24 pm
by EL34
You drag an existing pattern from up top and drop the pattern after the last pattern in the sequence.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 6:49 pm
by Konton Ninja
Well I tried that, but then it came up with a box that said: The project has been modified. Do you want to save your changes first? And then it has Yes, No or Cancel.
Even if I dont change anything, the pattern that I placed into the sequencer still dissappears. Its like the computer isnt allowing me to string patterns together. I cant seem to figure out whats wrong. Any other tips?


Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 8:46 pm
by Acoustica Eric
That sounds very strange. Are you running Vista?

Have you followed these steps;

Create a new project, create a pattern and add some hits to it, drag it down into the sequence window, create another pattern with some hits, drag it down next to the first one, like a puzzle piece.

This makes the first one vanish?

It asks you to save?

See tutorial here

It comes from this page, with more "how to's"

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 9:47 pm
by Konton Ninja
Well I figured out how to do it after following your advice. Thanks!
I just have one more question. Are you able to make a pattern, save it, then add it to a different sequence? Like, you make a pattern then save it. You then open up another project that you are working on and you add in that pattern you just made. Do you get what I mean? Instead of having to clear the pattern editor to make some new beats, you just add in a differnt pattern to you sequencer.

Er, hope that makes sense! >.<

Oh, one more question (this is the last one! I'm pretty sure it is...). Once you've made a pattern and dragged it down into the sequencer, can you delete the pattern you've just made, or do you have to keep it there? Cause it seems like when I delete what I have there, it changes the patterns I've already made and put into the sequencer. Its really annoying cause I get a good pattern, then when I make a new one, I realise that my other has changed. Arrr.


Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:02 pm
by Acoustica Eric
No, that is not an option at this point. You can do what what I do, I create a bunch of patterns and save the project as a template. Then open it and use the patterns I want in the sequencer, and do a file>save as... and name it something else, now you have your new project AND your template, so you have essentially used patterns from one project, in another :-)

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:29 pm
by Konton Ninja
Ah, okay! Thanks alot. This stuff is tricky, I'm going to have to practice. I downloaded the Mixcraft product. Its so FUN! Thanks again, that was a real help!