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Feature reqs: "join", project split, MIDI control

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 7:26 pm
by grab
Hi all,

I'm just getting going with Mixcraft since I needed something to do live multitrack recordings, and SoundOnSound recommended Mixcraft. It's certainly easy to use - I'm very impressed by how easily I could get started with using it. And the supplied VST plug-ins are pretty good too.

There's a few things probably worth mentioning for feature requests, though. I should mention that I've got the latest v3 download, and these are things that aren't listed as covered in v4.

1) "Join" doesn't. "Split" a sample, then select the two adjacent samples and do "join". No join. Even if you select two cross-faded (overlapping) samples, "join" just freezes the cross-fade and you're still left with two samples.

2) Since I'm doing live multitrack recordings for gigs, my recordings tend to be one shot of 30-60 minutes. Like most people, I prefer to work with one song at a time, so I need to split this project into tracks. The "split" feature works OK to divide up my samples, but then I need to create new projects, load in the samples for each one, and re-enter all the project details like track names. It would be helpful if this could be simplified. A neat way would be to provide an option to export multiple projects, split at (and named by) marker points.

3) Control surface support. Mixcraft v4 apparently has MIDI instrument support, right? Is this also going to give us MIDI control of the volume/pan? This is the big problem with Mixcraft for me - for recording it's fine, but you simply can't ride the faders with a mouse when you want to mix down.


Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 8:08 pm
by grab
Further to (3), an bit of lateral thinking and some hunting around VST sites has come up with Blue Cat Audio's "Gain Suite" (link which claims to give MIDI control over gain via a VST plugin.

Has anyone tried this themselves? Anyway, I'll fire it up shortly and see whether it plays ball. If it does, maybe consider bundling it with Mixcraft to fill this gap until full MIDI automation comes along? (It's free after all.)

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:56 am
by grab
No word from Da Manijment on these. Anyway, I've tried the Blue Cat plugins, but they don't seem to work. Although MIDI is coming in (I've checked with MIDI-OX) the Blue Cat gain VST plugin isn't seeing it. I've tried the DirectX plugin instead, but Mixcraft doesn't seem to be able to see that - maybe there's something odd with the DirectX. Anyway, still working on this one.
