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Bass track in piano roll grayed out

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2021 11:11 am
by rvkitch
Hi Guys,
Any idea why my VST bass track is now grayed out in the piano roll like it's muted or something? The track still plays in the project but I can't start and stop it from the piano roll like before. I'm sure it has something to do with me manipulating the track timing or maybe snap settings but everything is still in perfect timing and everything is still set to the same BPM. All of the other tracks are still nice and blue on the notes in the piano roll, just not the bass track.
Thanks Much!!

Re: Bass track in piano roll grayed out

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 11:03 am
by cactus-head
Any chance you froze it?

Right click on the bass track and see if there is an unfreeze option. Freezing allows you to create a temporary audio representation of a track so you can save resources but still enjoy the full playback of the track. The plugins, effects etc, are frozen into the audio image so your computer has less work to do. Unfreeze the track when you want to work on it more.

Re: Bass track in piano roll grayed out

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 9:29 am
by Acoustica Greg

Where are the loop markers on that clip? Is any portion of it not grayed out when you zoom out on the Sound tab?


Loop markers in Mixcraft 8
Loop markers in Mixcraft 8
mx8loopmarkers.png (48.32 KiB) Viewed 772 times

Re: Bass track in piano roll grayed out

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 7:15 am
by rvkitch
Thanks for the responses Gents,

Been away for a bit, but before I left , I deleted that track and totally re-did it which I know was a pretty dumb thing to do after posting a question how to fix something. But anyway, Cactus, I'm almost certain the track wasn't frozen because that is one thing I know how to do. I believe what the problem was now that I think back is that I had merged 4 or 5 clips in the track and was dragging some copy and pasted parts all over the place not paying attention to the loop markers basically making a mess out of the track. And Greg, yes, some of the sections in the piano roll were not grayed out like you asked. At the time I just found it easier to delete and re-do it rather than figure out how to get all the notes in the piano roll blue again.

Once Again,
Thank You Both!

Re: Bass track in piano roll grayed out

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 8:15 am
by Acoustica Greg

It's can be hard to wrap your brain around it, but Mixcraft is a non-destructive editor, so if you have a big long audio clip, and then you copy and paste a tiny section, or you drag the end of the clip to the left, the parts you don't see in the track view don't go away. They are still there and the smaller clips on the track view are referring to that original long audio clip. When you look at the small clips on the Sound tab, you see the entire clip, with the parts that are not displayed in the track view grayed out.

If you want to make a new clip, select the smaller clip and press Ctrl+W.


Re: Bass track in piano roll grayed out

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 11:54 am
by rvkitch
Perfect explanation!
Thanks Greg, that makes perfect sense!
I believe that's exactly what happened.