Benefits of using Host Plugins inside of Mixcraft

Discussions of VST and VST3 plugins for Mixcraft users.

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Benefits of using Host Plugins inside of Mixcraft

Post by ppayne »

Hi everyone,

I've been testing 3 plugin hosts in Mixcraft for the last few days. So plugin in which you can load other plugins. I discovered some really interesting benefits that might interest some of you.

I tested Kushview Elements (free), BlueCat Patchwork and MetaPlugin. All of them run in Mixcraft without any problems.

Here are a few interesting benefits of using something like this:

1. The MIDI and audio routing between plugins works smoothly in the host plugins and it is very flexible.

2. You can load any type of plugin within these host plugins. In addition to vst and vst3, even Mac plugins work on Windows in Mixcraft.

3. If a plugin doesn't work properly in your own DAW, you can simply load it into it. Everything is already working than. So it's always a workaround if needed.

4. The biggest advantage is that you can create Daw independent instrument or effect presets within the host plugins. This means you can use any DAW and you have always your instrument presets or effects chains available. Simply totally awesome. You can easily work with any DAW without having to reconfigure anything. I know no Mixcraft user ever wants to do that. But you could. I did a test sharing my presets between Reaper and Mixcraft and it works perfect :mrgreen:

I couldn't find any notable disadvantages in terms of CPU utilization. Of course I only tested my most important plugins.

I was not aware of these advantages before :D

Edit : kushview element has too many bugs. BlueCats Patchwork is the way to go.

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Re: Benefits of using Host Plugins inside of Mixcraft

Post by m9havock »

in addition:
Waves has a Studio Rack vst that does hosting for their VSTs

1. free for v12
2. alot of presets included from community, and can save your own
3. parallel & serial signal chains

not as advanced as some the other poster mentioned (eg. no upsampling)

They also have a paid version in their subscription plan that has more features; like hosing 3rd party VSTs
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