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Pigments 5 and side-chaining on MC9

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:42 am
by bmfof
Hi everyone,

It's possible that this has been brought up before and perhaps I've missed that, but I couldn't find any indication, so I'm going to ask this here:

I'm trying to route a hardware synthesizer (going through an audio interface) through the external audio input on Pigments 5 in MC9 Recording Studio, but it doesn't appear that side-chaining Pigments is possible through the instructions given on the site (which very well may be referring to MC10 and/or the Studio version). I know for a fact that Pigments 5 does support side-chaining as I've successfully routed the same synth to it through Ableton, so I'm hoping there's simply some checkbox or option that I am missing and it's not a compatibility issue.

Any ideas?