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Cherry Audio Galactic Reverb reregister?

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2024 6:55 pm
by Ray Cube
I found my copy of Cherry Audio Galactic Reverb had to be re-registered recently while it was already working in a project but just stopped working.
Any Idea why this would happen?
On the Cherry Audio site it was listed as Registered but still had to log into the Cherry Audio site from within Mixcraft 10 to get it working again.
I am running the most recent update.
Also while I'm thinking about updates. I have no ability to untick what I want to download. The box to un-tick is not active. Subsequently I would have to download the language pack along with the other updates that may arise.

Re: Cherry Audio Galactic Reverb reregister?

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2024 10:18 am
by Acoustica Greg

Certain updates are not optional. In this case, the language update is not optional because sometimes it contains text that is necessary for the user interface (like the name of a setting or a knob).

In regard to Galactic Reverb, make sure that all your Cherry Audio plugins that you have installed are up to date, not just Galactic Reverb. Sometimes updating Windows or making changes on your computer can cause you to have to log in again.


Re: Cherry Audio Galactic Reverb reregister?

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 4:05 am
by Ray Cube
Thank you for the information Greg.
There has been a recent Windows update which has had a lot of intrusive adjustments making it difficult to have a Microsoft One Drive local account or stop Edge from collecting data from my drives. I do not use Edge but apparently Microsoft has said it cannot be uninstalled for Windows to now work correctly. Galactic Reverb did stop working around the same time so it is probably an adjustment I made to my various privacy settings.
I also thought it was just a language pack and didn't need it. Thank you for the explanation.
