Mixcraft 10.5 pro issue with ez drummer 3

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Mixcraft 10.5 pro issue with ez drummer 3

Post by clowquill »

Odd problem here. I used to use ezdrummer 3 with mixcraft 9 with no issues. I would build my drum loops in the actual ez3 song creator, hit “follow host” and it would play whenever I hit the play button on the Mixcraft daw.

Then, I upgraded to 10 pro and imported all my current projects to mx10 with no issues. Drums work as always.

Now, when I start a new project in mx10 and build my loop in the ez3 song creator, the DAW acts as tho there is nothing to play. I can play the loops in Ez3, but Mixcraft wont play anything unless I drag the midi files directly onto the virtual instrument track. Is this normal or am I missing something?

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Re: Mixcraft 10.5 pro issue with ez drummer 3

Post by huik »


is this button on?
ezdr3.PNG (640.55 KiB) Viewed 370 times
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Re: Mixcraft 10.5 pro issue with ez drummer 3

Post by clowquill »

Yep! First thing I checked for.
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Acoustica Greg
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Re: Mixcraft 10.5 pro issue with ez drummer 3

Post by Acoustica Greg »


Double-click on any empty instrument track to add a blank MIDI clip and then it will play.

(Mixcraft doesn't know that there's something in the plugin that it could play, but if there's a blank clip on a Mixcraft track, playback will start.)

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