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Downloadable drum samples

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 12:47 pm
by wartongue
I've been hearing how I can download drum samples for beatcraft but I can't find anything....can someone point me in the right direction or at least tell me what to google....thanx

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 7:26 pm
by Lich
I've been wondering the same thing, because beatcraft doesn't include samples that are best suited to the music I make(hard rock/metal). My guess is that no such samples actually exist. However, you can record anything you want and make it a drum sample in beatcraft. So perhaps you could just find some drum tracks somewhere and cut them up into separate drum beats. That does sound annoying, so if anyone has an answer to this question, please enlighten us.

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 8:17 pm
by wartongue
can i do that with drumkit from hell and if so how??? I'd love to use DKFH with the Beatcraft software

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 9:17 pm
by Lich
I don't know what drumkit from hell is, however all you have to do is choose a sound file as a drum. Double click any given drum in your kit, and browse to the sound file you want to use as a drum, just like you would when choosing a drum from the included sounds of beatcraft. For example: I was making a full instrumental cover of Linkin Park - Given Up, and needed to add the "clapping" of the hands throughout the various parts of the song they're used in. So I got out my mic, recorded a clap, and used it as a drum in beatcraft in order to create the proper rhythm instead of going through the trouble of recording myself clapping in sync with the tempo of the song. Hope that helps.


Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 5:43 am
by Acoustica Eric
DKFH is a virtual instrument, it will not work with beatcraft. If DKFH comes with wav, mp3, ogg or other audio files as it's samples, then you could find the directory they live in and use those in Beatcraft. But as far as using the actual DKFH interface within Beatcraft, no.


Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 5:46 am
by Acoustica Eric
Beatcraft absolutely does include samples that you can create metal/hard rock with. It's the dry studio kit or the rock&blues kit. You simply have to eq and effect the kit to make it sound metal. Just like in a studio, they start with a dry kit, and go from there.
All samples here are created with beatcraft, listen to some of the song clips here

The kit used in those song clips was my own Tama kit, I sampled it and used the dry samples, started from scratch and created what you hear. The samples are for sale here

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 12:20 pm
by Lich
Well I guess I'm rather ignorant to the various capabilities of beatcraft. I don't know how to modify a given drum sample(unless I just imported it into adobe audition, audacity, etc.). But those songs were pretty kickass man, I like your music(if that was indeed your music).


Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 10:02 am
by Acoustica Eric
Thanks and yes that's my music :-)
Feel free to grab a copy Retrospect Records web site or downloadable copies from any popular download web site.
You don't modify the actual samples that beatcraft is using, you use effects on them within beatcraft. For example, open the rock and blues kit, ad add an equalizer to it's kick/bass drum. Generally, kick drums and toms will have a :smile" shaped eq, like this:
Use reverb, compression, equalization on your drums, make them sound how you want them to sound.

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2010 6:13 pm
by R0ckerb0y
I just bought the Tama kit (Linked above) and there are MANY reasons why you would be a fool to NOT buy these.

First, the Tama kit is 90% of the way there for your Metal sound. They are thundering powerhouses.

Second, it expanded my Beatcraft kit to a 15 piece beast. I can now overdo it to my hearts content. (There's a high hat open, high hat closed and I hat HALF closed!) ;)

Third, it came with a full Yamaha drum kit as well, and I clicked through it. It felt very Rush, Rock, Blues, contemporary, and it's massive as well.

Fourth and last, it was $15.... So I skip two lunches during the work week and I now have a drum kit that inspires me forever.


Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:20 pm
I found this searching for samples one day. Anyone that is looking to make their Beatcraft into the ultimate drum program, download "The Machine". It took me a very long time to go through it all and create a kit to my liking, but am so happy I found this, my Beatcraft kit sounds killer!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 5:11 am
by nirsul
I just bought a great pack of accoustic drums from drum werks
24 US$ !!!