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Crashing when altering volume

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:39 pm
by martmarple
Am running SIA v.2.5 b46
When I am on the "Preview and Edit" page and choose to alter the volume on any specific track the whole programme freezes - with Microsofts annoying "sorry" message etc.
I have to force a programme close & loose any editing I have done
Any ideas anybody. :cry:

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:10 pm
by Don Hall
This is a Windows resource problem. It still happens to me once in a while.
Check that your Settings are correct; i.e.

Sample Rate 44100 Number of Buffers 16
Bit Depth 16 bits Buffer size 32768

I am now using 4 mg ram; 2 mgs is the least that you will need.
Also, close down all other programs that you have open BEFORE starting SIA. The more that you fiddle with the Markers, etc. the more Ram that you use. I would also do a full shutdown before starting SIA and after you have done 5 or 6 Albums without shutting down.

I hope that this helps


SIA crashing on volume alterations

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:48 pm
by martmarple
Hi Don
Many thanks for that I didn't realise how memory-hungry audio recording was.
I have done as you suggested and although I am running on 2Gb Ram it seems to have settled.
I am due for a memory upgrade but I am running XP Proff. SP3 which I asume is only 32-bit so I will only see a difference with an extra 1Gb of memory.
It might just be worth it?


Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 12:13 am
by Don Hall
Hi Martin
I should have mentioned to you that once you are at the EDIT screen, SIA has made a copy of what you have recorded. Note the top Music Stream when you are editing. If you crash anytime after that point, you can find the recording file copy and then run it through in the "Load A Sound File" mode. You will have to redo all the editing but it is quicker that having to run the record or tape throught the program a second time.

You might have to do a bit of looking for the file. It should be at the end or bottom in a folder called My Documents\My Music or My Documents\My Recordings [One of the SIA monitors will correct me on this, if necessary]. The file should look like this; SIA/11/24/2910/XYZYZX. [Extension]. Perhaps, do a Windows search just using the SIA part.
I hope that this helps you

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:54 am
by martmarple
Hi Don
Many thanks for the follow-up. Yes I did realise that SIA makes a copy of the recording (in my case in "My Recordings)
I have upgraded my memory ( which I had to do in pairs as my PC requests this!) so I have 4Gb of which it recognises 3250Mb (Running XP - 32-bit) and have had no further problems.
I have ceased recording at present as I found an amazing web-site which lists EVERY stylus under the sun! So I am waiting for mine now!
I thoroughly enjoy using SIA and would like to leave feedback for all those potential buyers out there. So where do I go to do this please?
Kind Regards, Martin

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 3:46 pm
by Don Hall
Hi Martin
Glad that you knew where to find the SIA file. Thanks for the "come back."
I don't know of any site that does comments and comparisons. I would expect that Googling for it would bring results. I think that there is a site, as I believe that Eric mentioned it.

You got me thinking again about when I started to use SIA. I believe that I made every mistake possible; including destroying my prize old Reciever; my Sound card; one of my speakers and leaving the other one with a little buzz. Thanks to having a great Computer Tec; he saved my computer.

Now, I like to do things that sort of fool SIA and/or Media Player. My favourite thing is to delete a bad album track [or tracks] and replace it , in album order, with a good copy.

I hope that you continue to enjoy SIA.