12 String Sound From a 6 String Guitar

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12 String Sound From a 6 String Guitar

Post by TrevsAudio »

My current project requires a 12 string guitar for the solo, but I don't have one.

No problem! I hooked up the old Strat and played the same part twice, the first an octave higher. [The lower 4 strings are octaves on a 12 string and top two are unison] I used the same track, but different lanes so any extra processing will work well.

Then a bit of editing to get the notes of the first pass to sync nicely together with the second, length and location. I then merged the second, so there were two complete clips.

The octave is played first on a 12 string, so I offset this clip a few nanoseconds before the second (to taste) and was quite pleased with the result! I'll have the song completed in a day or two.

Give it a try :D
Old Dudes Rock!
OFC™ Founding Member

Dell 3050 SFF; i3; 8 gig RAM; Mixcraft 8 Pro Studio; Win 11 Pro

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Re: 12 String Sound From a 6 String Guitar

Post by jwmix »

Besides the Ample Sound's twelve string guitar
(that is talked about in the forum named Mixcraft),
the OP, being a young at heart Every Day studio worker (or EDsw),
might also like the Ample Sound's nine string guitar too,
whose information is shown below via some simple PowerShell actions
and yes, PowerShell is in every modern Windows computer.

What is PowerShell?
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powers ... rshell-5.1

The post reading EDsw might also want to read some of the above's left side links too. But make
sure, that the EDsw reads the Pipeline link, found in the the above's web page's first section
named, Command-line Shell, because PowerShell really uses what's called the pipeline.

Anyway every post reading EDsw has had plenty of time (years) to learn something about PowerShell.
So it's time to start answering some posts, with some DawPsDemo examples. These PowerShell examples
will also help the EDsw use PowerShell now (or later) with their many other musical needs too.

Always have a good idea (understanding) of what any text/code will do.

Code: Select all

$useThisUri = "https://www.amplesound.net/en/pro-pd.asp?id=33"

# The below action uses the user's defaulted browser.

Start-Process -FilePath $useThisUri

Write-Host "Or just get the user's needed website's data."

$htmlData = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $useThisUri

# To find the needed data, pipe ( | ) or pass (a part of) the $htmlData 
# down the pipeline, where it will be searched (for the needed data).

$htmlData.Content | 
  Where-Object -FilterScript { 
   # $_ and $PSItem are both PowerShell defined variables 
   # that reference the current pipeline ( | ) object.
   # -match uses Regex search patterns, so .+ means anything, so that's DataAnythingData.

    $PSItem -match "<p>A.+nine.+</p>" 
  } | # End of Where-Object -FilterScript { }.
      # Now throw away all of the Where-Object's output (not needed).
Write-Host "Number of matches:"$Matches.Count

If($Matches.Count -eq 1) { 

  # Now display what's in the $Matches.Values by piping ( | ) it's data to Out-Default.

  $Matches.Values | 
    # In real life, one may never need the cmdlet (think command) Out-Default,
    # but DawPsDemo examples uses this cmdlet to give the user the data in the 
    # data's defaulted formatting style (yes PowerShell provides output styles)
    # and then passes that data to the Out-Host cmdlet.
} # End of If($Matches.Count -eq 1) { }.

Write-Host "Or for that special certain band member/artist/client/boss,"
Write-Host "trim the start and the end of the above data."

[string]$neededData = $Matches.Values

$neededData = $neededData.TrimStart("<p>")

$neededData = $neededData.TrimEnd("</p>")
$neededData | 

Write-Host "Maybe check out some of the Djent information too."

Start-Process -FilePath "https://www.bing.com/search?q=Djent"

PS returns

Opens the user's defaulted browser showing the Ample Sound's website.

Or just get the user's needed website's data.

Number of matches: 1

<p>Ample Metal Hellrazer aim to bring a Schecter Hellraiser nine string guitar sound to your studio,
the tuning are #C, #F, B, E, A, D, G, B, E. It is suited for heavy metal styles such as Metalcore,
Progressive Metal and Djent.</p>

Or for that special certain band member/artist/client/boss,
trim the start and the end of the above data.

Ample Metal Hellrazer aim to bring a Schecter Hellraiser nine string guitar sound to your studio,
the tuning are #C, #F, B, E, A, D, G, B, E. It is suited for heavy metal styles such as Metalcore,
Progressive Metal and Djent.

Maybe check out some of the Djent information too.

Opens the user's defaulted browser showing the Bing Djent search results.

See just the right data,
for that young at heart (jazzy/free spirited/groovy) OP EDsw.

Always have a good idea (understanding) of what any text/code will do.

Remember, each Every Day studio worker's (or the EDsw's) workflow is different
and that's what scripting is all about,
adjusting shared scripting text/code (of any kind) for the EDsw's needs.

Read PowerShell blogs, watch PowerShell videos.

Read PowerShell and C# (Csharp) programming forums.

Read PowerShell's documentation and run their examples.

Adjust the PS business ways, into your PS music needs.

Have fun, find a PowerShell youngster (for help) and share!
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