My suggestion today is just a thought based on previously alluded to appearance of cracked copies of Mixcraft appearing on the internet. It would involve using a log-in user account area method of access to purchased software and updates so as to bypass the atrocious level of protection that certain email providers have been providing, i.e. this concerns me as my primary email is provided by Yahoo and the last thing I need is for Acoustica to go the way of Voyetra (makers of MIDI Orchestrator Plus and Digital Orchestrator Pro whose last output - Record Producer Deluxe, the last program to support the .orc file type, required a program check via their website to unlock the program - unfortunately their website ceased to exist and the only way round it during the last decade has been to follow an instruction from the net to hex edit the regedit entry, which involves several hours of mind-melting typing of hex characters as they cannot be copied and pasted, as far as I'm aware). Just a thought anyway.
Windows 10 Professional
Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 & 8i6
I would like to see a Mixcraft optimized USB interface. Find the best one out there and put the Acoustica name on it. I don't mind proprietary stuff.
I'd like Acoustica to test several types of interfaces and may computers with Windows 10 running various processors e.g. AMD vs Intel etc.
I'd like to see testings with Boot Camp and Macs running Mixcraft. A lot of people use Macs and I would like to be able to send people with Macs my projects so that they could open them in Mixcraft and so that I can open their projects.
Also, a straight ahead Mac version would be nice because you never know what disasters Microsoft might unleash on us.
I have just got the full version of Melodyne and as I mostly (at the moment) pull old recordings to pieces (rather than build new ones), for example, I've just been taking a finished track I did in 1999 and dividing it into 22 separate tracks for manipulation in unheard of ways based on pitch based rather than recorded instrument based tracks, I have encountered a problem of alignment of the tracks when I import them into Mixcraft (due to the lack of track based integration - I've tried using rewire but it just crashed, presumably as my workflow was in the reverse order to what it was expecting i.e. it was expecting to load a single track not 22 or something), so I had to copy the first sound from one track and copy it to the other 21 to get them to align when exported and loaded into a project file in Mixcraft, which is an awkward and imperfect solution.
Anyway, a slightly unconnected but related thought occurred to me, that it would be good if Mixcraft had a multi-track control system , by which I mean the ability to sweep controls across all tracks (in a wrapped sequence) so that volumes or filters would increase according to the track which is central to the focus of the peak point i.e. tracks being treated the way frequencies are during a resonant filter sweep
Windows 10 Professional
Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 & 8i6
An option to import multiple midi or audio tracks onto successive tracks all aligned to the same start position would be a great time saver. It could be achieved by introducing a simple tick box selection on the import window.
Windows 10 Professional
Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 & 8i6
It seems from scanning through the Melodyne Studio manual that whilst Melodyne (using ARA) can scan audio and create a 'tempo map' of the audio or it can import the tempo map of the DAWs in question, there is no sign of any DAW being able to create it's own tempo map based on the tempos detected by Melodyne. I suggest Mixcraft be the first DAW to create it's own way of taking the Melodyne created tempo map and get the host Project file to stay aligned to the Melodyne Tempo Map. I would find this of great time/stress saving assistance (and it could obviously be done by timing alignment information being accepted by the host - not yet in Mixcraft, but in other programs that I can't be bothered with, like Reaper). I hope that's clear. Thank you.
Windows 10 Professional
Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 & 8i6
I think I mentioned this before so pardon if a duplication, but I feel strongly enough that I want to make sure:
Please move the transport bar to an upper or lower corner of the screen, or better yet, make it undockable so I can move it around wherever I want. This should be a very quick and easy thing to do code-wise (and I'm not sure but I don't recall any other DAW having this, so it'd be nice to have a little feature that nobody else does). The middle of the screen simply makes no sense; it quickly and easily gets buried. Yeah I can undock the "Details" section (with the mixer etc), but even then it's centered at the bottom vs off to the side.
Yes. This AND removeable Dock windows so I can see the Piano Roll AND the Sound window at the same time.
IMO, the Transport should "undock" or float as a smaller window containing only the transport buttons & screens. However, the mobile remote app is a big plus here already.
Mixcraft 9 Pro Studio, Alien laptop, Windows 10 64 bit, Mackie Onyx12 mixer/interface.
I think I mentioned this before so pardon if a duplication, but I feel strongly enough that I want to make sure:
Please move the transport bar to an upper or lower corner of the screen, or better yet, make it undockable so I can move it around wherever I want. This should be a very quick and easy thing to do code-wise (and I'm not sure but I don't recall any other DAW having this, so it'd be nice to have a little feature that nobody else does). The middle of the screen simply makes no sense; it quickly and easily gets buried. Yeah I can undock the "Details" section (with the mixer etc), but even then it's centered at the bottom vs off to the side.
Suggested way back when M6 was alive, then again with M7 and again with M8, so good luck luck with that one Mixyguy! I've given up on all suggestions TBH. The thing about giving up on suggestions is that there's no disappointment with a new version and the reason why I'll most likely be on M7 when you guys are on M19.5
Seriously, good luck because its the single most idiotic and frustrating thing having to move windows to one side to find the controls for loop/start/stop/tempo/metronome/record etc It really is the same as having a steering wheel under the back seat. You could also update your suggestion to have a "hot key" to hide/show the transport controls so it appears where you last placed it. Cub--- uses F2 so you can show/hide with a hit on F2 all day long.
Don't give up on suggestions! Lots of suggestions from this thread (and elsewhere) have been implemented into Mixcraft. The problem is that the suggestions we add soon get taken for granted and people only notice the suggestions that we didn't get a chance to work on.
Don't give up on suggestions! Lots of suggestions from this thread (and elsewhere) have been implemented into Mixcraft. The problem is that the suggestions we add soon get taken for granted and people only notice the suggestions that we didn't get a chance to work on.
Well that's inexcusable; there are only about 300 million suggestions here. What else do you people do w/your time?
I'm frankly surprised that one has been apparently discarded though, multiple times. Not meaning to throw darts but IMO it's such an obvious design flaw and again should be an easy fix.
Anyway, now that's I've buttered you up, one more:
Hitting "R" for record. Pls allow us to turn this off, I hate it. I often use Mixcraft on the road with nothing but my laptop and so need to use the "musical typing" thing...I can't tell you how many times I was trying to tap out some notes and inadvertently hit "R" and suddenly was recording when I didn't want to. I suggest using the "backtick" key under the tilde key instead. It's better because it's in the upper corner plus it's not used for much if anything else, so much less chance of accidentally hitting it. (Ideally, you'd let us assign whatever key we want to start recording, but I don't want to be greedy )
It's a matter of priorities. The developers felt at one point that creating a 64-bit version of Mixcraft was a higher priority than feature x, y, or z, for example. Now that we have 64-bit Mixcraft it's taken for granted, but it took a lot of laborious coding and testing to create 64-bit Mixcraft. That's how we chose to spend those man-hours.
We're a small company and we don't have armies of software developers working on different features, so we have to pick and choose.
So the developers are totally oblivious to the importance of having these controls available full time, therefore we need to buy a second monitor or android device for the Mixcraft app? Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Driving instructor to pupil .. If you need to use a steering wheel you'll find in the boot (or trunk) !