Mixcraft Suggestions!

Support and feedback for Acoustica's Mixcraft audio mixing software.

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Re: Mixcraft Suggestions!

Post by silveralex »

MidAir wrote: Tue Jul 12, 2022 5:32 pm Very happy with MX 9 pro. Things I'm looking for are....notes for tracks, vertical color selections for song sections, larger color pallette for everything, A/B comparison, more rock drum samples,easier save as for quick saves, and or "scene saving".

My brother and I have been recording original music since MX 6!

Like all your suggestions. Especially the vertical color selections for song sections. Even it's just different color "headers" at the top
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Re: Mixcraft Suggestions!

Post by 1daPaul »

Piano roll ghost note view like fl studio / studio one. A better sampler maybe? Mixcraft is great as it is so any updates would be a bonus. :D
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Re: Mixcraft Suggestions!

Post by jumbodude »

It's not really a suggestion as such but a need for correction. How many users are aware that the Harmonic Minor Scale Selection tool in Midi Clip Editor ( found when using the Step Editor) is incorrect and instead of giving you a Harmonic Minor scale it gives you instead the Natural Minor scale or Aeolian mode (both of which are the same thing). However the Harmonic minor is different. The Harmonic minor has a raised Vii note different from the Natural minor which has a flattened Vii. Although it doesn't sound much it does however make a huge difference to both melodies and the composition of the diatonic V chord which becomes a Dominant seventh chord and hence has greater resolution back to the Tonic Chord. That's why it was derived to replace the V minor chord. Maybe not too much significance to general music but very important in Classical and Latin Styles. And guess what I pointed this out to the Support Team over a year ago. i have been expecting it to be fixed in the next available update but no. Update came and gone and problem errors still remain. It don't really inspire confidence and it looks unprofessional so when will it be fixed?

I have been asking for ability to save individual midi clips for years ( like Ableton which offers this feature). Ability to save Midi Clips into a Midi Clip Library would be very useful. At the moment to save midi you must do it by selecting the whole track ( or by having to mute all other tracks and save midi clip to a separate single use track- this really disrupts workflow ) . Inconvenient because this needs a great deal of further work ( to get rid of stuff you just don't want to save). Ability to select one clip and save as midi would be much better. However I get the feeling that any good suggestions are just ignored so what's the point. They can't even be bothered to fix a fundamental musical error. Feeling like White Noise.
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Re: Mixcraft Suggestions!

Post by Acoustica Greg »

jumbodude wrote: Fri Jul 29, 2022 6:56 am It's not really a suggestion as such but a need for correction. How many users are aware that the Harmonic Minor Scale Selection tool in Midi Clip Editor ( found when using the Step Editor) is incorrect and instead of giving you a Harmonic Minor scale it gives you instead the Natural Minor scale or Aeolian mode (both of which are the same thing). However the Harmonic minor is different. The Harmonic minor has a...
This should be fixed when Mixcraft 10 is released.
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Re: Mixcraft Suggestions!

Post by EchoFX »

If it isnt too late i whould love to throw in some stuff which whould make sense for beginner composers.

It whould be super helpfull if Mixcraft whould automaticly know which key you are playing in and set it acordingly beside the BPM.
Also, in the Midi editor, it whould be nice to see exactly what chords are you using.
Yknow stuff like: Am7add11 and stuff.

If it whould upgrade in realtime, ofc that should be a thing, this whould be so powerful for beginner musicians to explore music and is a really nice hands on approach on music-theory.
It also whould be helpfull to people who mainly use Mixcraft for recording Instruments outside of Mixcraft, like Guitar and Bass to figure exactly out what there are playing.
And if you use a lot of virtual instruments its even more helpfull to know what you actually playing.

As i said, it whould be such a great hands on approach on music theory. I whould even pay for something like that extra.

GuitarPro for instance shows you the chord you playing like that but its a few clicks away. If the Midi editor whould do that in the section where music is written, that whould be a huge thing.
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Re: Mixcraft Suggestions!

Post by DavidMcKnight »

Firstly, Thank You MX team for all you do. I truly love this program and find almost no faults with it.

I know there is a workaround on individual clip properties, but it would be helpful (especially for folks recording drums) to have a Phase or Polarity switch on the Mixer channel strips. This request isn't so much to make MX work "like other DAWs", but to make MX work like a mixer (at least this request).
MX 9 Pro, 64-bit. DIY PC w/ i5, Gigabyte Mobo, 16GB, Windows 10. DIY desk from HomeStudioGuy. Behringer 1820. M-Audio LX-4 monitors. Dyna-Bass 5-string. Strat w EMGs. Seagull acoustic. R0de NT1-A, Behringer C2. M-Audio controller. 27 miles of cable.
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Re: Mixcraft Suggestions!

Post by kahnal24 »

I would like the ability to create side by side videos, maybe as many as 4 (2 side by side at top and 2 side by side at bottom)>
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Re: Mixcraft Suggestions!

Post by paralipomena2 »

Please pleeeeease make ghost notes possible in mixcraft 10. and please make the original sound mutable when chord plugins, arpeggio plugins etc. is used on it. that would be great 😍😍😍
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Re: Mixcraft Suggestions!

Post by Sturdy »

jumbodude wrote: Fri Jul 29, 2022 6:56 am I have been asking for ability to save individual midi clips for years ( like Ableton which offers this feature). Ability to save Midi Clips into a Midi Clip Library would be very useful. At the moment to save midi you must do it by selecting the whole track ( or by having to mute all other tracks and save midi clip to a separate single use track- this really disrupts workflow ) . Inconvenient because this needs a great deal of further work ( to get rid of stuff you just don't want to save). Ability to select one clip and save as midi would be much better.
+1 on the suggestion to save a midi clip to midi file using save as midi from the menu by right clicking on the clip itself. Would be a very nice feature to have, and much more intuitive than soloing the midi track, and then saving as midi, imho, and would give better control of start/end points of the midi file output. (If there's a better method to save a midi clip to midi file I'm unaware of please let me know - thanks ;-)

(edited - I mistakenly thought setting loop points might restrict the range of the midi export, but I don't think it does - so I removed that).
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Re: Mixcraft Suggestions!

Post by jwmix »

1. Have Mixcraft automatically create the song
and of course, in two ways, tune only or both the tune and the lyrics.

2. Have Mixcraft automatically master,
the Mixcraft automatically created song.

3. Have Mixcraft automatically send,
the Mixcraft automatically done master,
of the Mixcraft automatically created song,
to Tay Tay (Swift).

Yep, just these three, Every Day studio worker's (or EDsw's) simple needs. :D
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Acoustica Greg
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Re: Mixcraft Suggestions!

Post by Acoustica Greg »

jwmix wrote: Fri Aug 12, 2022 2:00 pm 1. Have Mixcraft automatically create the song
and of course, in two ways, tune only or both the tune and the lyrics.

2. Have Mixcraft automatically master,
the Mixcraft automatically created song.

3. Have Mixcraft automatically send,
the Mixcraft automatically done master,
of the Mixcraft automatically created song,
to Tay Tay (Swift).

Yep, just these three, Every Day studio worker's (or EDsw's) simple needs. :D
We had that feature in Mixcraft 7: https://forums.acoustica.com/viewtopic. ... 439#p67299
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Re: Mixcraft Suggestions!

Post by daiken0304@yahoo.com »

Please add stock stereo imager plugin.

Please add 2 more video tracks for improved video editing.

Please make submix tracks lock to the right side of the screen like the output busses and send tracks. That would make it easier to submix while also seeing your individual tracks to the left side of the screen.
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Re: Mixcraft Suggestions!

Post by Acoustica Greg »

daiken0304@yahoo.com wrote: Fri Aug 26, 2022 10:01 am Please add 2 more video tracks for improved video editing.
Did you know you can press Alt+L to add lanes to the video track, and have videos on different lanes?
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Re: Mixcraft Suggestions!

Post by purplepat69 »

I don't know if I'm too late with this request to get it into MC10 Pro, but adding scripting ability would be huge, I'm thinking. There are things I want to do that I suspect can only currently be done by using the mouse, and I'm thinking executing a script might be the only way I could make these things happen during a live performance in the middle of a song. Ardour (an open source DAW) supports Lua scripting, I would think Acoustica could use the source code to figure out how to implement Lua scripting in MC10.
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Re: Mixcraft Suggestions!

Post by Ian Craig »

Note FX like the Repeater function in Studio One would be a great addition
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