Mixcraft 6 Feature Requests

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Post by wretched_aaron »

Volume adjustment for just the library would be wonderful.:)

I usually have my project tracks somewhat low to avoid clipping so I need to turn my computer volume up. The library sound can be quite loud as a result.
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Post by Glergo »

More global project settings. Such as setting the overall sample rate of the project to whichever I want. My sound device "Tascam US 1641" doesn't have the option in the ASIO settings to set the sample rate, but instead it syncronizes with the settings set in the DAW project.
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Acoustica Greg
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Post by Acoustica Greg »

That is dependent on your hardware device. If you click on "Open Mixer" in the Sound Device preferences, those are the settings that your ASIO device offers. Check its documentation to see what quality settings you can change.
Glergo wrote:More global project settings. Such as setting the overall sample rate of the project to whichever I want. My sound device "Tascam US 1641" doesn't have the option in the ASIO settings to set the sample rate, but instead it syncronizes with the settings set in the DAW project.
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Post by Glergo »

Acoustica Greg wrote:That is dependent on your hardware device. If you click on "Open Mixer" in the Sound Device preferences, those are the settings that your ASIO device offers. Check its documentation to see what quality settings you can change.
Glergo wrote:More global project settings. Such as setting the overall sample rate of the project to whichever I want. My sound device "Tascam US 1641" doesn't have the option in the ASIO settings to set the sample rate, but instead it syncronizes with the settings set in the DAW project.
I know that my sound device only supports up to 96kHz sample rate, but I can only record with 44.1kHz as of yet due to the fact that Tascam made their driver completily weird.
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Re: re

Post by rutvora642 »

I am talking about the second last post in [color=red]page 4[/color]
Perhaps the software can download the different tracks of a song in highly compressed format and retrieve them when requested.
the tracks can be updated for new songs whenever we connect to the internet
I know it will take up much usage :D.
So that function could be enabled or disabled by the user.
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Post by topstan »

[quote="nwns"]I'm sure I posted this somewhere but I want:

1. Control surfaces - I want to be able to use my transport controls and sliders on my M-Audio Keystation Pro 88 to control mixcraft.

+1... In my case I have a PreSonus Faderport I would love to use.
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Post by DJ LIL M »

make it look more professional and be able to change the UI Color
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Post by Cjax »

Pretty much reiterating what the masses are screaming here

1. A punch-in feature- Let's face it; everybody wants and needs it!

2. Better timestretching/quantizing for audio tracks- Pretty much exactly what garageband '11 has. Where you can either lock a track to project tempo or zoom in and touch up certain segments

3. An included Drum Vst- I know you guys are already in the works for this, but just a few suggestions on top of that. Make each piece of the kit editable (i.e. you can add individual comp, eq, reverb, etc to each piece of the kit AND the kit as a whole). Realistic micing simulation (Room mics, dual snare mics, proximity of each mic to its respective drum piece) Also; LOTS OF DIFFERENT SAMPLES. Zil-bel, Chinas, Slashes, Lots of different kicks, snares, toms, etc. Also, the ability to import your own drum samples would be nice.

4. Multiple takes of the same segment and pick the best- Again, i've heard you're already working on this but just to stress how bad this feature is needed. Garageband has had that feature since like '08.

5. An in-house Audio Reverser- I hate having to open a clip in Audacity, reverse it, then load it back into MXC. Nuff said.

6. The ability to record through tempo changes- I don't know if it's just my computer or what. But I record songs with a lot of tempo changes and it's impossible to do vocals in one take because all the tracks become momentarily garbled right before the tempo flag.
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Post by hanshotfirst1033 »

The main thing I would like to see is the ability to group tracks. Take a look at Cakewalk products for an example of what I mean. Let' say Ive recorded all of my vocal tracks, and found the sweet mix. I can group all of those tracks together, so that when I move my volume faders, they all raise or lower together, maintaining the vocal mix.

I dont wanna use anything but Mixcraft. LOVE IT! But I really miss that feature.
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Post by Acoustica Greg »

You can do that in Mixcraft 5 using a Send track. Check out the tutorial on send tracks: Mixcraft Tutorials.

You can also physically link audio or instrument clips together so they move around as a group (just select some clips, then right-click on them and select the Link option).
hanshotfirst1033 wrote:The main thing I would like to see is the ability to group tracks. Take a look at Cakewalk products for an example of what I mean. Let' say Ive recorded all of my vocal tracks, and found the sweet mix. I can group all of those tracks together, so that when I move my volume faders, they all raise or lower together, maintaining the vocal mix.

I dont wanna use anything but Mixcraft. LOVE IT! But I really miss that feature.
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Re: re

Post by rutvora642 »

rutvora642 wrote:I am talking about the second last post in [color=red]page 4[/color]
Perhaps the software can download the different tracks of a song in highly compressed format and retrieve them when requested.
the tracks can be updated for new songs whenever we connect to the internet
I know it will take up much usage :D.
So that function could be enabled or disabled by the user.
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Acoustica Greg
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Re: re

Post by Acoustica Greg »

Thank you for your suggestions!
rutvora642 wrote:
rutvora642 wrote:I am talking about the second last post in [color=red]page 4[/color]
Perhaps the software can download the different tracks of a song in highly compressed format and retrieve them when requested.
the tracks can be updated for new songs whenever we connect to the internet
I know it will take up much usage :D.
So that function could be enabled or disabled by the user.
perihelion summer
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Post by perihelion summer »

I cam e up with a brilliant idea (in my opinion.) I know I pretty much made a fool of myself with previous comments, however, I hope this great idea for Mixcraft 6 can make up for that. Here goes. Currently with midi clips, the only way to edit midi controller information (such as sustain pedal, pitch bend, and others) is by using the rather primitive lower portion of the midi clip workspace. Editing and deleting controllers takes some mousework, and precisely aligning or "snapping" controllers has to be done manually. Well, 4 0'clock one morning, whilest sick with a cold, I came up with the perfect fix. It would be much easier if each each controller or "node" were represented by a note-like vertical bar, arranged on a time-line-esque workspace, much like the current system for midi notes. The main difference is, nodes are vertical bars instead of horizontal ones; however, the benefits are the same. You can snap and quantize controllers just like notes for easy editing of pitch bend, modulation, sustain, and other parameters. You also have the same pointer/pencil/eraser toolset which is used to easily add, move, and rearrange notes. You can move a controller by clicking it and dragging it around. To set the value of a controller, drag the top edge up or down, or, alternatively, right click and choose "Edit..." to type in a precise value. Additionally, you can cut, copy, paste, AND select mutiple (or all) controllers at once. Tell me what you think! If you like it, please consider including it in Mixcraft 6. Thanks!
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Post by CorpusImperium »

These have all probably been requestd already but here goes; customizble skins would be cool. Customizble interface colors, ability to change the apperance of knobs and the volume sliders and etc so one can fully choose their individual program appearance. On that same note, changing track colors should integrate the custom color wheel so its not so bland and limited. Graphic eq with assignable points (like adding points in automation or on the audio clip) an interface to adjust mic placement, room size, distance, etc to be applied to both audio and midi. (Longcat's audiostage is a good example. Along the lines of having such options to utilize within mixcraft) a visual vst picker option. Fruity loops added this feature to see a vst interface image when choosing. Maybe at very least a preview pane on the right of vst box to see the interface set up/apperance. I strongly back everyone requesting custom loop/sample library pane. I have tons of samples and folders to navigate through outside of mc. Including the option to play the loop as in stock library of loops would be nice. And the ability to drag and drop a sample into project from that window. Maybe whild on topic of organization ability to create folders pertaining to sample type and create shortcuts linking to classifications. Id also appreciate extended preferances such as additional options for latency problems, custom template menu display option, etc. Log file option for custom vst/fx creation detailing level adjustments per slider/knob and if instruments had been adjoined the range of each, transpose level, velocity, volume. It'd be handy having a detailed .txt file recording these in the event of having to recreate custom plugins. Extended support for usb mixers. I haven't really done too much research on mixer support, but I do believe it had been cited for select brand of mixer. Increasing support would benefit those looking into more inexpensive mixers just to fit individual needs or gain in experience working with a mixer. The mixer pane should have a single arm option and extended options to set up a default mixer preset that can load itself whenever mixers attached during program startup. And extended master options. Can't really think of anything else atm and it being 5 am I'm hoping most of that made sense cuz I'm about to crash land into a deep slumber. Mixcrafts given me so much since i first started playing around with mc4 few years back. Now its become a vital tool in my work and home. I can barely step away from theprogram because I'm constantly learning from it or discovering a better tone when I manually tweak the provided presets. Its also eased me into working with more advanced daw softwares that I had struggled in before discovering mc. Mixcraft has ultimatley attributed to my decision to make producing the career choice I intend to work for. It made me fully understand what I wanted when I graduated highschool. Thank you guys for teaching me basic fundamentals within audio production so I can start my college course this august with a good amount of understanding and can enjoy the class rather than potentially stressing from going in completely clueless having to learn from square one.
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Re: Mixcraft 6 Will Be 10x Better With

Post by Anorax »

Acoustica Greg wrote:
lays1566 wrote:AUTO TUNE
Mixcraft already comes with GSnap. Have you tried that?

We probably won't include Auto-Tune in Mixcraft, because we'd have to charge way too much money to cover the licensing costs.
Well, you managed to get an Acoustica-only version of VB3 Organ...

Yeah, GSnap has not proven itself to be an easy device to use, especially for changing the "chords" I should say.

Maybe you should port MIDI to effects, or have a MIDI Send track