copy and paste

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copy and paste

Post by djrip843 »

howdy, tried searching, couldnt come up with an there a way to quick copy a pattern at its current lenth, like for example if i lay down a four bar drum pattern i know i can shortcut copy and paste but i know some daws have a function where once a pattern has been selected you can then immediatly duplicate it another four bars and it will duplicate right beside the intial four bars for quick pattern extension along the same i dont have to click on screen where i wanna paste it for a faster work flow when extending patterns on the same track. I hope i have been clear enough, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Acoustica Dan
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Re: copy and paste

Post by Acoustica Dan »


Every clip has a plus (+) button in the upper-left. Pressing this button will extend the sound out for another loop.

Hope that helps!

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Joined: Sat Apr 02, 2016 2:44 pm

Re: copy and paste

Post by djrip843 »

man im so stupid how did i miss that, thanks Dan, i really appreciate that!
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Re: copy and paste

Post by mick »

There are 2 more ways to do this:
Point to the edge of the loop and a left/right arrow will appear, from there left click and drag the mouse to duplicate.
This is a good way to duplicate a part of the track. Use the scissors tool (ctrl + alt) to cut out a section of the track then duplicate as mentioned.
In a notation program you can write 1st and 2nd repeats where the first part, consisting of a number of measures are repeated from the beginning, or the repeat of a certain section in the middle of the music/song.
DAWS can't read these repeat instructions the way a notation program does, so this method saves re-writing stuff over again in the piano roll editor.
This is a way to copy /duplicate the parts easily wherever they may be.

The 3rd way is to click the sound tab and type in the number of loops you need, then hit the enter key.
I changed from 1 loop to 12.
loops.PNG (15.87 KiB) Viewed 6068 times
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