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Vst3 to Vst help?

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 1:35 am
by Gunny
Hello, I have unfortunately been having a bad time with mixcraft crashing on me, it happens when I use Nectar 3 and Nuetron 2 from Izotope. On the Mixdown I will get an error saying "mixcraft has detected an error with blah blah... This plugin has been muted. We recommend saving and restarting mixcraft" something to that effect. It also happens when I try to reopen a saved project with Neutron and Nectar. I get the same message. This is the third computer this has been happening on so its not my computers. Ive been following these forums for a while trying to get a solution but none of the suggestions have helped. I did recently though see somebody who was describing the exact same problems I am facing. Someone else recommended that they switch nectar and Neutron to the VST version instead of the vst3 version and that person said it solved their problem. My question is, how do I get those programs to be VST. I uninstalled them and reinstalled them and went into the manual install mode and it had several options, VST3, VST2, a couple others but definitely no VST. How does one go about running a VST3 plugin as a VST plugin? I went on Izotopes page and didnt see any option to download products as a VST. Im not tech savvy so it may be easy to do and im just missing it. Also my next question, even though this seemed to fix this other person's issue I'm going to presume with my luck it's not going to help which means I will need to get another DAW since I am unable to get any work done as is. If I do wind up getting something like FL studio, will the plugins that came with Mixcraft whether it's the acoustica plugins or the other ones be used with other DAWs? Or will they only work with Mixcraft? Thanks for any help. I have all the newest versions of Mixcraft and the Izotope products, and my computer meets all the requirements.

Re: Vst3 to Vst help?

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 9:17 am
by Acoustica Greg

If you look at the specs for the plugin, and it says it supports VST and VST3, then there should be an option to install VST, along with VST3. They would be installed into different folders. VST3 files are always installed into this folder:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3

That's part of the beauty of VST3s - there's no confusion about where to find them. VST (or VST2) files can be installed in different places, like:

C:\Program Files\VST
C:\Program Files (x86)\VSTPLUGINS
C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VSTPLUGINS

And so on. The installer for the plugin will ask you where you want to put the VST plugin. Make a note of its location, then go into Plug-Ins preferences, click Edit VST/VSTi Folders, and add the VST folder where the VST files were installed, then restart Mixcraft.

Both Nectar 3 and Neutron 2 offer VST versions of their plugins.

Within Mixcraft, you'd see something like this:

Nectar 3
Nectar 3 (VST3)

The first one is the VST plugin.


Re: Vst3 to Vst help?

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 9:40 am
by Mark Bliss
Upon installation, select VST2 and retry.

In nearly every case I have run into problems with VST3 (which is fairly common) using VST2 works.

Re: Vst3 to Vst help?

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 4:50 pm
by comedians

I use VST2 Nectar3 & Neutron and never had either crash. Have had other plugins crash but never with any Izotope product

I actually have stopped installing any VST3 these days as many seem unstable or in some they tend to use more resources which may or not be true; it's just a confidence thing for me.

Re: Vst3 to Vst help?

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 4:53 pm
by Acoustica Greg

Mixcraft 9 will have updated VST3 handling code, so we'll have to review when that's released.


Re: Vst3 to Vst help?

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 5:22 pm
by Mark Bliss
Very much looking forward to evaluating that! :wink:

Re: Vst3 to Vst help?

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 5:41 pm
by GovernmentMule
Just to throw my two cents in!

I can not remember ever having a problem with VST3, but I have read on a lot of forums where people were and then reverted back to VST2 solved there problem with a plugin. Guess I'm special. :lol:

I always install both anyways.

Re: Vst3 to Vst help?

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 10:02 pm
by Gunny
thank you all for the replys. I dont want to jinx myself but it appears the first two posts were just the info I needed. Mark's comment about trying the Vst2 was very helpful and Greg's directions on how to find it in the folder other than the Vst3 folder was invaluable because I never would have found that on my own. Anyways I love Mixcraft besides the crashing problem I was facing so presuming that this is a permanent solution I am a very happy camper right now. thank all of you so much. I am afraid though I am no longer going to have a good excuse as to why I'm not fnishing music in a timely manner... lol