User fail - forgot to set the correct key, midi tracks are transposed

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User fail - forgot to set the correct key, midi tracks are transposed

Post by MikeDVI »

Hi all, wow did I learn a valuable lesson!

Forgot to set the key to the correct key when setting up a new song, then ran 17 midi instruments. The key was set to A, however I played everything in C, which was the key I needed. Once I realized what I did, I selected all the clips, transposed +3, then all is well until I try to adjust midi hits, which do not sound correctly as they are transposed.

Any way around this, or a fix?

Rookie mistake LOL

Thanks - Mike
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Re: User fail - forgot to set the correct key, midi tracks are transposed

Post by TrevsAudio »


Make sure the correct key is shown in Mixcraft (next to the tempo)

Then select all the clips that need correcting, go to the sound tab and select 'Use project key'.

Hope this helps.
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Re: User fail - forgot to set the correct key, midi tracks are transposed

Post by MikeDVI »

Thanks Trevor!

I tried that and many variations of it (like clip by clip, track by track, or selecting multiple clips) after your suggestion, but my clips are still all over the place. After "Use Project Key", the keyboard on the screen does not match up with the notes on the grid. I think at this point I am early into this project so might just start a new song and get it correct right from the gate. It would not be too bad overall except the song goes through three key changes and will have a mix of midi and real instruments. Fortunately right now it is in sketch.

I appreciate the help!

MX-10.6 Pro Studio B 633. Presonus 1818vsl AI, Dell XPS 8930 Core I9-9900 3.10 GHz, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, 64-GB RAM, Nvidia GeForce 2060, 4 and 2 TB SSD’s + 8 and 2 TB spinner sata’s, cookies and coffee.
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