Midi Export facility

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Midi Export facility

Post by snake »

When will Acoustica add a Midi Export function to Beatcraft, no midi in Beatcraft is it's major flaw and makes it a dead end for composition.
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Acoustica Eric
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Post by Acoustica Eric »

That depends on how you use it, I personally have no use for midi so beatcraft is perfect for me.
We may be planning a drum virtual instrument for mixcraft instead of adding midi to beatcraft.
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Post by nirsul »


1. I think that more than it needs an export - it must import MIDI patterns !
2. Why hasn't Beatcraft been updated for such a long time ?

I just bought it and I rtealy miss the MIDI import or REAL TIME recording.

You should change the slogan to "the best drum machine software with no MIDI" LOL

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Post by Acoustica Eric »

Back when beatcraft came out, midi was not popular. It was the perfect drum machine, and for me still is.
Beatcraft has not been updated because we are considering a new virtual instrument for drums to intergrate into Mixcraft 6.
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Post by nirsul »

I have been palaying with MIDI since 1985.

Is beatcraft older than this ?

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Acoustica Eric
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Post by Acoustica Eric »

No it's not, but midi today is used by everybody from kids to pros, back in 85 it was more restricted to those who knew what they were doing.
Today, kids think midi IS drums where back in 85 it was shameful to NOT play your instruments.
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Post by MixedUp »

I can understand defending the product and it is what it is...a very good drum machine...but MIDI is so important for additional tweaking and editing and composition, importing midi drum patterns an easy way to learn how patterns work and get in raw material...being blind to the benefits of midi for an instrument like drums or any other is to ignore the benefits of things like VSTi's which just comes across as arrogant.

GM midi has piano's as well, But not something of the quality of Pianissimo...not being able to use and record synths and instruments with midi commands would be a dead end...why would drums be any different...a VSTi like EZDrummer for instance is as Valid an instrument as Pianissimo but an easy interface for programming would be a real boon.

That said, Beatcraft has a great interface and workability and here's hoping that the new developments for MC6 will be something similar and take into account the numerous VSTi's out there for percussions whether acoustic samples or electronic percussions.

While it may be technically difficult to do with BC itself, the ability to save patterns as compact midi files would a major boon and commercially quite successful I imagine as many are using things like EZD or similar or samplers but most lack the easy step abilities of Beatcraft and there could be a whole other market for the program if it had that ability. That one person doesn't feel the need, clearly does not speak for the broader users that are typically not drummers. While there may be technical reasons why it might be difficult to impossible for this product, it does not seem to make commercial sense to ignore the possibilities for such a thing with facetious comments...

I really doubt that there are many that consider that MIDI=Drums...it's a far more flexible method of working that dragging wave loops out of Beatcraft and for composition. It is far better to be able to have the drum track develop along with the music than to conceive of the tempo and entire song with drums alone without an easy way of altering things along the way as you would expect from any of the other instruments that use virtual instruments...an opinion, but not an isolated frustration.
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Post by snake »

Isn't what features the users would like the most important.

One of the guitarist I write with uses Beatcraft for drums and is now switching to Guitar Pro 6 for drums.

Here is the workflow

Guitar Pro 6 --> Sibelius --> Pro Tools (with Superior Drummer 2)

This gives us drum notation and midi information. It also gives us complex tuplets.

We have had to eliminate Beatcraft from the process as it has no MIDI export ability.

A shame as it would be an easy addition programming wise.
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Post by Acoustica Eric »

Yep, the customers needs are the number one priority. Which is why there will be much better midi support for virtual drum applications in Mixcraft 6.
You'll be able to import midi files and apply them to your favorite VSTI (superrior drum for example), multiple outputs and busses are supported, and much more.
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Re: Midi Export facility

Post by strummer »

I have to add my voice to the requests for midi export. I love using Beatcraft to compose my drum tracks but I need to be able to export to midi to play them on my sequencer and on my G-Dec midi amp. With this feature added, Beatcraft would be a complete solution
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Re: Midi Export facility

Post by Enzarro »

Hi, i've been using Beatcraft since 4 or 5 years ago, and to receive a natural sound from Beatcraft, I have to put a Drumagog VST in each drum part; because Beatcraft by itself sends a crappy, repetitive sound, is like watching a sitcom and hear the same recorded laugh, over and over again.

Recently, I discovered that you can send MIDI signals out from Drumagog by a MIDI Channel, and assign the MIDI note that it will send through it, but the problem is that you need 1 MIDI Virtual Channel per drum part, so a software like LoopBe30 fits perfect to this (it allows you to have up to 30 Virtual Midi Channels).
You can send all the MIDI channels to another software called VSTHost, and "host" Superior Drummer, or other drum replacement plugin on it.
Install VAC (Virtual Audio Cable) and send the "Wave Out" of VSTHost to VAC.
Open Adobe Audition, set VAC as the Recording Device, and let the magic begin.
Set a track, and press record on Audition, and then press play on Beatcraft.

Now you will have to expend some minutes adjusting every single instance of Drumagog in Beatcraft.

ACOUSTICA GUYS, I have to do all of this because Beatcraft... can't export a single midi file.
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Re: Midi Export facility

Post by Acoustica Eric »

Hi, we're sorry about having to do all this if you want to use Beatcraft, but it is what it is. We have added "Acoustica Studio Drums" to Mixcraft 6, which is a virtual instrument, you should try that instead.
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Re: Midi Export facility

Post by Acoustica Greg »


Yes, try the new "Acoustica Studio Drums," coupled with the new drum map feature in Mixcraft 6.


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